Straighten Your Smile, Without the Metal
We get it; the thought of traditional braces, with all that metal and regular adjustments, doesn’t appeal to everyone. That’s where Invisalign steps in. At Fortune Smiles Dental Care, we’re passionate about offering treatments that fit seamlessly into your lifestyle, and Invisalign does just that. Invisalign offers a modern approach to straightening teeth, using a custom-made series of aligners crafted just for you. These aligner trays are made of smooth, comfortable, and virtually invisible plastic that you wear over your teeth.

Benefits of Clear aligners:

• Almost Invisible: Most people won’t even notice you’re straightening your teeth. You can confidently flash your smile without the unsightly metal brackets and wires.

• Customized for You: Every smile is unique, just like you. Your Invisalign aligners are tailored to fit your teeth and your teeth alone.

• Live Uninterrupted: Whether you’re enjoying your favorite meal, giving a presentation, or simply spending quality time with loved ones, Invisalign doesn’t hold you back. Just pop them out when you eat or drink and put them back in when you’re done.

• Predictable Results: Thanks to advanced 3D imaging, you can see your entire treatment plan from the initial alignment to the final position before starting your journey.

Your Journey to a Straighter Smile with us1. Consultation:

Everything starts with a conversation. Dr. Forutan will discuss your goals, assess your oral health, and determine if Invisalign is the right fit for you.

2. Customized Treatment Plan: Using advanced 3D imaging technology, we’ll map out a precise plan. This includes the exact movements of your teeth and the duration of your treatment.

3. Receive Your Aligners: Once your custom-made aligners are ready, you’ll wear them 20-22 hours a day, advancing to a new set every 1-2 weeks.

4. Regular Check-ins: Every 6-8 weeks, swing by our office for a check-up. This ensures everything’s on track and allows us to hand over your next set of aligners.

5. Reveal Your New Smile: After all your aligners have been worn, it’s time to celebrate. Show off that beautifully straight smile you’ve patiently worked towards!